Arbeit / Work / Travail / Lavoro
Vanier College

Physikunterricht im College.
Physics classes at the college level.
Cours de physique au Cégep.
Corsi di fisica al collegio.

Wissenschaftliche Workshops an der Primarschule und im Kindergarten.
Scientific workshops at primary school and kindergarten.
Vulgarisation scientifique au primaire et à la maternelle.
Divulgazione scientifica a scuola elementare e scuola materna.
PAC Consilium

Control automation projects.
Projets d'automation.
Progetti di automazione..
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Assistent/Dozent für den Kurs MEC1310 "Informatik für Ingenieure".
Lab assistant / lecturer for MEC1310 "Informatics for Engineers".
Chargé de laboratoire/cours de MEC1310 "Informatique pour ingénieurs".
Assitente/docente di MEC1310 "Informatica per Ingegneri".

EMR Ingenieur im LifeScience Bereich.
Control automation engineer in LifeScience.
Ingénieur d'automation en LifeScience.
Ingenero d'automazione nel LifeScience.
Studium / Studies / Études / Studie
École Polytechnique de Montréal

Master in Maschinenbau.
Master in Mechanical Engineering.
Maîtrise en génie mécanique.
Maestrado in ingegneria meccanica.
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

3-Monatiges Praktikum in Leistungselektronik-Labor.
3 month internship in the power electronics lab.
Stage de trois mois au laboratoire d'electronique de puissance.
Estagio di tre mesi nel laboratorio d'eletronica di potenza.
Northwestern University

Austauschsemester in den USA.
Study abroad semester in the States.
Échange aux États-Unis.
Intercambio negli Stati Uniti.
ETH Zurich

Bachelor of Science in Maschinenbau.
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Bachelor en génie mécanique.
Bachelor in ingegneria meccanica.